Is this web-book series for you, based on your view of technical Isolation?

If you feel extremely strongly about the fact that technique should never ever be isolated (not even by a player at home), then you will hate this web-book series and there is little point you continuing to read on.

However everyone else can find something in this web-book (and series) that they can use.

  • Web-book 1 aims to offer a better understanding of Game Functional Football Technique, and introduces some fundamentals
  • Further web-books, in the series, offer ways to further practice and develop these fundamentals


And this process can be guided by a player's team coach. 


If team coaches believe isolated practice has a place at home (as every coach in the world surely does) then Web-book 1 will help coaches help their players to not only get a good understanding of what football technique might mean, but also, by working hard outside of team training, allow players to start laying down the solid technical foundations necessary for all future technical development.

A team coach can use this web-book series to ensure a player's technical development continues outside of team training. They can set homework and challenges and ensure that all their players have a chance to develop excellent fundamentals. The coach can then further nurture these at team training, by connecting these technical foundations to the game. After all, this connection is what individual game functional technique is ultimately about.


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