Youth Development : A System of Play
1. You are allowed to make mistakes BUT we must see attempts to improve. Attempts to apply the rules above, especially after a mistake.
2. Up until now you have been playing in a little cloudy bubble. This cloudy bubble is all about you, your instincts, and your idea of what the game is about and your attempts to find a place in it. The use of team-mates and possession, despite attempts to learn more and mature as a player, have been more about natural talent and natural game intelligence than a systematic process. The challenge now is to start expanding the bubble you play in, until the rules above get applied in a systematic way. The game is no longer about natural talent and natural game intelligence. It is an exercise in a group of individuals all following the same rules, being on the same page, recognising the same cues, working as one smooth machine in which every cog has a critical role to play, such that the sum of the product massively exceeds the sum of the individual parts.
3. If one part of the machine breaks down. The Machine doesn't work. If one part of the process breaks down, the process doesn't work.
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