A Model for Youth Development .
System of Play Notes.
A Model for Youth Development .
System of Play Notes.
#9 movement : Main runs
The two (maybe three) main runs a 9 needs to make when playing out from the back.
Note these same runs apply higher up the pitch as well.
Note: Runs that drop low are venturing into the '10' role. Make sure if you make these runs you are not doing the same job as a 10.
When the 9 drops into the 10 space, then another player needs to be come the 9.
These 3 runs can be tweaked in a variety of ways. Watch this video for examples.
Another great way to earn is to copy the best. Below are a view videos off youtube that look a the best #9s in the world.
If each week see if you can learn 1 new thing about your position, and you try to take this into your next game than that's progress.
Keep repeating this cycle until good movement becomes instinctive.
Being a good #9 is a thankless job sometimes. You can make 10 runs and not get the ball, but on the 11th you do and you score.
Most players give up before they get to the run that makes the difference.