Absolute Fundamentals : Basic Ball Mastery
Balancing on one foot while moving the other is a great way to develop independent foot movement. Balance, as well as foot dexterity, is a great thing for young players to develop.
In the exercises on this page, the foot that is interacting with the ball needs to do all the work. That is : Needs to move between foot shapes, whilst developing stability on the other foot.
The first video is a workout. Try to follow the complete video. Each exercise is done for 15 seconds, before progressing to the next exercise.
Can you do all 10 exercises without a single mistake? If not, there is work to do.
If you can, then use the following challenges as a conditioning exercise.
Can you do 30 second sets? 45 second sets? 60 seconds sets?
If you can do 60 second sets, then you may be as good as you need to be in terms of foot dexterity, consistency of technique and stability.
Try the following 15 second challenge :
If you succeed at this challenge :
- Do 30 second, 45 second, and then 60 second sets? Or,
- Go to the next level.